Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 11:16AM
made in forest hills in MoMA Contemporary Galleries, MoMA The Museum of Modern Art, New Photography 2011, Projects 96: Haris Epaminonda, bow ties, pills bow tie

image credit: Nicholas Ruiz. Bow Tie #10. Assembled November 2011. Acetaminophen pills, multiple adhesives, plastic knife. Forest Hills, Queens, New York.



Contemporary Galleries: 1980-Now

November 17, 2011-February 17, 2014


Reinstalled to continue the historical sequence found on MoMA’s fifth (1880–1940) and fourth (1940–1980) floors, the galleries on the second floor will begin with art of the early 1980s and extend to the present moment, interweaving works in all mediums. Individual galleries will focus on particular topics, ranging from specific locales that nourished influential groups of artists to key strategies shared by diverse practitioners of the same generation. Others will display a single significant installation or artist’s project. Like the fifth- and fourth-floor galleries, the second-floor galleries will be periodically reinstalled to reflect the depth and richness of the Museum’s collection, and to allow for varying approaches to the wide variety of art produced during the last 30 years. Featured artists include Ashley Bickerton, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Keith Haring, Martin Kippenberger, Steve McQueen, Senga Nengudi, Doris Salcedo, Rirkrit Tiravanija, and Rosemarie Trockel. Read more.


Projects 96: Haris Epaminonda

November 17, 2011-February 20, 2012


For her first solo museum exhibition in the United States, Berlin-based artist Haris Epaminonda (b. 1980, Nicosia, Cyprus) constructs a world based on connections between a three-channel video projection—part of her work titled Chronicles (2010)—and a museological-style installation of antique pottery, columns, plinths, niches, and pictures culled from old magazines and books. Among the books are travelogues about archeological sites that are visually related to one another but separated by centuries of history. Read more.



New Photography 2011

September 28, 2011-January 16, 2012


This year, MoMA's annual New Photography series expands to feature the work of six artists, with the aim of capturing the diversity and international scope of contemporary photographic work. New Photography 2011: Moyra Davey, George Georgiou, Deana Lawson, Doug Rickard, Viviane Sassen, Zhang Dali includes the work of Davey (Canada), whose mailed-photograph grids feature the stamps, postmarks, and return addresses that have accreted on each photograph—analog elements that are particularly unique in these digital times; Georgiou (England), who looks at modern-day Turkey as it seeks to hold on to its traditions and landscape amid the oncoming wave of Westernization and development; Lawson (U.S.), whose work showcases the African American experience, with a particular emphasis on the human figure and form, in powerfully intimate portraits of people from all walks of life; Rickard (U.S.), whose photographs document the blurred faces of people and crumbling American cities as captured by the Google Streetview lens, and explore issues of poverty, race, and privacy; Sassen (The Netherlands), who incorporates images of the people and places of the African continent in an attempt to recapture her surreal dreams and memories of growing up in Kenya; and Dali (China), who uses original source materials, including Chinese archives, books, and periodicals, to trace the lineage of propaganda made during Mao Tse Tung's Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. The artists in New Photography 2011 approach image-making from very different perspectives, making for a truly dynamic combination. Read more.


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