The late French artist Louise Bourgeois is quoted saying, "Once I was beset by anxiety but I pushed the fear away by studying the sky, determining when the moon would come out and where the sun would appear in the morning." Like Bourgeois, I draw from the beauty around me. I interpret my anxieties and victories into each and every bow tie you find on my site.
Born and raised in Brandon, FL, I was accepted on scholarship to Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA, where I was trained both in technical and digital design. During my undergraduate years, I interned in MAXIM Magazine's fashion department while offseting the costs of tuition by working as a brand sales representative for Zirh, an international men's skincare line. Post graduation, I joined the Special Programming & Events department at MoMA The Museum of Modern Art, focusing heavily on event development initiatives. Now I am at Ralph Lauren re-selling fine art and antiques that were sourced for projects around the world (amongst other stuffs). Couple my experience with my skills and you'll find my work is detail oriented, culturally relevant, and fashion forward.
I currently live in Forest Hills, NY - and love absolutely everything about the neighborhood.