Entries in bowtie365 (363)


#Bowtie365 - #Day314

Casey surprised me with a Vitamix yesterday as a congrats on the new job (ONE WEEK LEFT).

Mean green #bowtie on the lid of my mixer from a blend of kale, spinach, edamame, broccoli, carrot, raspberry, flaxseed meal, lemon & grape.



#Bowtie365 - #Day313

Backstage at Terminal 5 after (another) bad ass performance by Kate Nash.

#Bowtie outside her dressing room from her (complimentary bad ass) shark-shaped purse (thank you Helen!!).



#Bowtie365 - #Day312

Getting nostalgic on this Friday Night alone in my room with the CD's that kept me company through my preteens & teens.

#Bowtie from selected albums by Mariah Carey, Linkin Park, The Killers, Shakira, John Mayer, Blink 182, The Postal Service, Cruel Intentions soundtrack, Britney Spears, Jason Mraz & Jock Jams.



#Bowtie365 - #Day311

Haven't been able to eat much but love chalky things (like Tums.. & PEZ). Candy #bowtie from a Princess Tiana PEZ dispenser with the chalky rectangles emanating from her head.



#Bowtie365 - #Day310

Happy National Nachos Day! I've been sick all day and finally had my first meal (which wasn't nachos, needed comfort food) BUT I did have enough cheese left over to celebrate the occasion.

#Bowtie from Mexican blend shredded cheese while I watch the CMA Awards and take things slowly.



#Bowtie365 - #Day309

Today is the day! My very last MoMA benefit and my fourth Film Benefit. At times it felt like time could not move any slower but now it's going too fast. I'll miss the last minute prep/craziness.

Hand-sculpted #bowtie from plaster as a finale to my career here. One more hour until guests arrive!



#Bowtie365 - #Day308

Getting ready to hit the sack and rest up for tomorrow's MoMA Film Benefit honoring Tilda Swinton.

Messy #bowtie on my face from smeared tooth paste and a disgustingly beautiful bubble blown by moi.



#Bowtie365 - #Day307

Just got home after working my last weekend MoMA event! Two weeks left before I start a new chapter at Ralph Lauren.

Cleaned-out desk #bowtie from photos, tchotchkes, a variety of oral care, notes, drawings & more from a few of my favorite people that made the last 3.5 years so bad ass.



#Bowtie365 - #Day306

Having a chill Saturday (because Casey is glued to his laptop) and eating some Pizza Hut while watching The Bling Ring. Honestly, the only exercise I got today was walking to pick up this pizza...

Recycled #bowtie from the pizza box (& lit like a superstar).



#‎Bowtie365‬ - ‪#‎Day305‬

Celebrating with Javi, Nick & Casey at Pulqueria in Chinatown (I'm leaving MoMA! Eek!).

Mexican ‪#‎bowtie‬ on Dia de Los Muertos from churros and chocolate sauce.


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