Entries in board games (4)


#Bowtie365 - #Day364

Tomorrow is my VERY LAST bow tie and I'm so excited and incredibly sad/nervous/happy/ECSTATIC. Happy to be spending the evening watching Britney videos and playing board games with Jonathan and Rick.

#Bowtie atop the game board of Carcassone from game pieces. Only ONE MORE BOW TIE TO GO.



#Bowtie365 - #Day166

Another game night with some of my favorite people (cc: Leila, Casey, Rob & Kathy) while we celebrate Kathy's birthday! #Bowtie from Apples to Apples cards before the cake! (Fudgie the Whale - shh it's a surprise).



#Bowtie365 - #Day110

It's Saturday Night! One would think I'd have epic plans with Casey and my dad, however, my dad is sleeping on the couch and we're baking cookies and playing Scrabble (eh.. 1/2 epic).

#Bowtie from Scrabble tiles on my Onyx Edition Scrabble board. I wanted to play on my amazing Restoration Hardware Scrabble board but the tiles blend in too much for the photo. Glad I have options (I love Scrabble).



#Bowtie365 - #Day54

Saturday night with board games & orange juice (I feel flu-y). Guess Who? #bowtie while watching 'P!nk: Funhouse Tour - Live in Australia' concert bluray.
