Entries in bowtie365 (363)


#Bowtie365 - #Day204

Had to wake up today at 4AM to catch my JetBlue flight from TPA to JFK. Missing my family & friends mucho!

#Bowtie from Terra Chips on my Warhol laptop case while I edited all my Chicago Institute of Art photos on the flight.



#Bowtie365 - #Day203

Last night in Tampa after an amazing day with my nieces. Found a bunch of minions, went to the pool, and stuck all of Lila's Lucky Ducks ducks in her toy microwave (she's a fun one).

#Bowtie on my parent's air hockey table from the puck and paddles.



#Bowtie365 - #Day202

Awesome day hanging out and eating with the family. Was able to just relax and enjoy each other with food, fun, and the little ones.

#Bowtie from assorted water guns from a water fight with my nieces and nephew (3 v 1 - I was soaked).



#Bowtie365 - #Day201

Back home in Tampa for the weekend! Surprise trip but incredibly excited to see the whole family and long lost friends (& the dog my parents got AFTER I graduated).

#Bowtie from Roxy's water bowl, food, and squeaky toy. Clearly she's not a commercial-level dog as she would not sit still for a shot so I could make a bow tie out of her (I tried).



#Bowtie365 - #Day200


The Benders (my soccer team for all those that don't read this blog aka everyone) annihilated the scoreboard tonight, crushing our competition and allowing our favorite blonde teammate Allison to receive the GOLDEN BOOT! (#1 scorer in the entire league).

#Bowtie from the team laid out on the Chelsea Piers field. Way to go Benders!



#Bowtie365 - #Day199

Casey convinced me to run 5 miles with him during this heat wave. I think I lost 20 lbs.

#Bowtie from my sweat-soaked running wear.



#Bowtie365 - #Day198

Went to Costco after work to fill my apartment with food since everything spoiled while on vaycay.

#Bowtie from two dozen organic eggs, which cost a little bit less than the price of a single dozen. Love Costco.



#Bowtie365 - #Day197

Home sweet home in FoHi after an amazing week exploring everything in Chicago. Honestly. We did everything.

#Bowtie from the pile of junk mail that awaited me (that I then shredded).



#Bowtie365 - #Day196

Last full day in Chicago! It's been quite the adventure. So much art, architecture, and amazing people.

#Bowtie at Weiner's Circle (the place where they verbally abuse the patrons) with Leila and Casey.

I love you Leilers! Thank you for the most amazing week!



#Bowtie365 - #Day195

Arts & crafts night with Leila and Casey after a full day of thrifting and antiquing in Rogers Park, Andersonville and Roscoe Village. Tons of great things but I bought nothing. If you're ever in Chi-town near Andersonville, check out Woolly Mammoth Antiques and Oddities -> REALLY well done (& kinda creepy).

#Bowtie from watercolor paints on card stock.
