Entries in bowtie365 (363)


#Bowtie365 - #Day184

Pre-Fourth of July holiday drinks at Julius in the West Village. So bummed how lame this bar has become... hoping it turns around soon.

#Bowtie from gay trashy models (the word "models" used loosely - ripped from horrible magazines) and the incredibly fabulous Lady Bunny on top of a rainbow juke box.



#Bowtie365 - #Day183

Mildly incriminating halfway done #bowtie!? Woo! Bow tie from my boss lady and colleague Lauren at The Modern from expertly positioned body parts. The next MoMA events retreat will be to a yoga studio!



#Bowtie365 - #Day182

Halfway Point! Hallelujah! Can't believe there are more days behind me then ahead...

#Bowtie from my favorite bow ties. Very fitting. Big things to come!



#Bowtie365 - #Day181

Happy Pride New York City!

I spent the day in Queens (recovering from #GUMBOPRIDE) and doing all things that make me love FoHi.

Today's #bowtie is definitely my highest altitude shot - made from the TV antennae on top of my building (29 stories up!). Hope everyone enjoyed a safe & memorable NYC pride! Much to celebrate this week!



#Bowtie365 - #Day180

Happy Pride! What a fabulous event hosted by Gumbo NYC at the Thompson LES to support Athlete Ally.

#Bowtie from a fabulous drawing in the Absolut vodka VIP lounge bathroom. Thank you to the hand soap for allowing me such creativity. Time to dance!



#Bowtie365 - #Day179

At an One Direction concert in Jones Beach, Long Island, New York. It's beautiful (but a dry venue - so drink heavily before you arrive).

#Bowtie from a NO Standing on Seats/Blocking Aisles/Throwing Things at the boys sign in front of THOUSANDS of screaming girls during "Last First Kiss."

You're insecure? Don't know what for..... :)



#Bowtie365 - #Day178

NYC humidity is intense. It's like swimming in a hot pool of your own sweat whenever you walk outside.

#Bowtie in the shower to rinse off from condensation on the glass to simulate the weather. Is it fall yet? Summer looks bad on me.



#Bowtie365 - #Day176

FoHi is under construction to make way for the glory days ahead. 71st/Continental station is a prime example.

#Bowtie from caution/construction signs underground in the subway.

Anyone excited for Mumford and Sons to come to Forest Hills and play at the West Side Tennis Club? I am!



#Bowtie365 - #Day175

Happy Birthday Kim! Swung by IT'SUGAR in SoHo and grab a tranny lollipop as a surprise before dinner at Bond St.

#Bowtie on top of an enormous Rice Krispies Treat from a marshmallow lollipop and two oversized gummy bears that I found before checking out.



#Bowtie365 - #Day174

Holy sunburn Batman! Two days of yard work has taken its toll on my body, most visibly on the back of my neck. On the upside, my pumpkin patch is planted! #Bowtie on the back of my neck from a hydrating lotion.

Let it be known - I am a HUGE supporter of sunscreen and vampire skin.
