Entries in bowtie365 (363)


#Bowtie365 - #Day284

Casey and I have finally arrived in Boston to hang out with Joni on the set of her new show Chasing Life!

Behind the scenes #bowtie from clamps while the crew sets up some location shots for the pilot. Everyone watch when it premieres on ABC Family this spring!



#Bowtie365 - #Day283

The Benders encountered a fluke goal (thanks wind) and lost 0-1 sadly. Major thank you shout out to Morgan for joining our team in the final hours to keep us from a forfeit.

Tonight's feminine #bowtie is brought to you at her apartment in Chelsea from an eclectic assortment of bangles, bracelets & more.



#Bowtie365 - #Day282

This week has been insane and tonight's Community Board 6 meeting was just silly. However, really excited to be involved! :)

Uplifting (I think) #bowtie from a slice of bread. It's the little things that bring a smile.



#Bowtie365 - #Day281

AUTUMN IN THE AIR! Goodbye summertime sadness! Those few days of summer-like heat were definitely unappreciated and gladly dismissed.

Out-of-the-closet #bowtie from two hangers while I sort through my coats to get ready for the new season.



#‎Bowtie365‬ - ‪#‎Day280‬

‪Hanging out with friends while boozin and celebrating Scotty's first time comedy hour. Congrats buddy!

Relatively frightening ‪#‎bowtie‬ from a hanging ghost face at 9th Avenue Saloon. Thank you to Sarah for locating the inspiration. This place is a blessing.



#Bowtie365 - #Day279

Out and about in SoHo after a night of wining and dining with Casey and Kim. NYC-centric #bowtie from two retired phone booths, trash & telephone.

Many thanks to them for braving disease to help out in staging!



#Bowtie365 - #Day278

Working late at MoMA and dreaming of passing out in my bed. Tonight has been a doozy.

Institutional #bowtie from a chopped up membership brochure. Join today!



#Bowtie365 - #Day277

Happy Birthday Stella! My niece turned three but I'm not in Florida to give her kisses. Uncle Nick loves you Stelly!

Inflated #bowtie from some carnival balloons (do they have a name?). The pops in the process were big fun.



#Bowtie365 - #Day276

First outdoor soccer game for The Benders! Post game drinks at Floyd NY in Brooklyn Heights with the new and old team.

Architectural ‪#‎bowtie‬ from the wooden paneling outside the bar on Joralemon.



#Bowtie365 - #Day275

90 days left y'all! Just walked out of a spectacular vegetarian dinner at Hangawi in Koreatown. Go there, do the pre-fixe, leave happy and zen (& wear socks - no shoes allowed in the dining room).

Ignited #bowtie in my Korean hot pot filled with a spectacular veggie/tofu soup and bow'd by chopsticks and skewers. Quite the meal and impeccable service.


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