Entries in bowtie365 (363)


#‎Bowtie365‬ - ‪#‎Day264‬

‪After weeks of anticipation, I finally have the piece I painted from Oliloli Studio!

Painted, glazed, and fired ‪#‎bowtie‬ inside my brand new double bowl (what do you call a bowl with two compartments?).

Time to snack! Snack Attack!



#Bowtie365 - #Day263 

Last event of the week! Wahoo!

Currently wrapping things up next to MoMA's Bauhaus staircase. #Bowtie from the oversized marble (I think?) tiles and stainless steel grout.



#Bowtie365 - #Day262

Fall at MoMA means many late nights and early mornings. Finally home and laying on the couch with pizza and beer.

#Bowtie out of tissue paper on tissue paper because it was near me and my head hurts. Pretty awesome texture!



#Bowtie365 - #Day261 

The life of an event planner is a rough one. Had a rather complicated event tonight on top of the other internal ones in the works.

#Bowtie from the "pinks and blues" AKA tent seating markers that help us place guests at our events (girls are pink, boys are blue).



#Bowtie365 - #Day260

The Benders killed their first playoffs game and are on to the semis! Loved screaming on the sidelines with the delightfully injured Kailey while they scored goal after goal.

Post-game #bowtie at The Dish in Chelsea from their mysterious bread basket. Greek diners are the best.



#Bowtie365 - #Day259

Too much fun this weekend caused my herbs to have too little water. Heartbroken!

Sad #bowtie from a heap of dead basil & mint in between a trashcan and broom/dustpan combo. Need to revive pronto as I basically live off TBM's (& mint in my cocktails).



#Bowtie365 - #Day258

Summer has come to a close in New England. Amazing we were able to apple pick/be Fall festive and swim all in the same weekend.

#Bowtie in the swimming pool at Rob's house in New Canaan from the skimmer and brush poles.

Summer, you're my least favorite season but you were fun. Thank you.



#Bowtie365 - #Day257

First weekend to pick apples at Beardsley's Cider Mill & Orchard in Shelton, CT! Loving the Fall weather and local wine from Jones Winery. The weather is flaw free.

#Bowtie from fallen Honey Crisp apples (that are deliciously delicious). Can't wait to bake a pie from my McIntosh apples!



#Bowtie365 - #Day256

Back in CT for the very first Autumn weekend. Celebrating friends, Fall, and the fact that there are 100 DAYS left of this project! (EDIT: I was dyslexic and swapped my '5' and '6' - #Day265 is actually the 100 day marker).

#Bowtie in my favorite room of any house, the kitchen, inside Kathy's now vintage (antique?) oven from a red hot coil and foil. It's older than I am, hardly used (when I'm not here), and still works!

Looking forward to go apple picking tomorrow so I can bake some pies!



#Bowtie365 - #Day255

Enjoying a few late night drinks at Galway Hooker in the West Village after a crazy week at work. The Fall event season is definitely upon us.

#Bowtie from two news stands thrown on their sides a block away from the bar. They look just like I feel.

However, on a serious note, bow ties are everywhere and I'd love to know what you see. Tag me in the ones you find (@bowtieboy!).
