Entries in candles (5)


#Bowtie365 - #Day352

The FoHi halls are decked with red and green Christmas cheer. We have an amazing tree decorated like a soldier that served in a war of past vacations and antique dealing (does that make sense?). Stockings hung, hot cocoa stocked, candles out and lit nightly.... So much so, the candle wax runneth over in celebration of the holidays.

#Bowtie from wax thrown Jackson Pollock style on a sheet of aluminum foil. Better there than on the carpet.



#Bowtie365 - #Day216

It's the culmination of Casey's birthday weekend! Had an awesome time playing tennis and getting through season two of the United States of Tara.

#Bowtie from fresh baked chocolatechip-oatmeal-raisin-coconut-walnut cookies and birthday candles.



#Bowtie365 - #Day144

TheBenders won! Epic win! Woohoo!

Celebration #bowtie at the Half King with the team from table-top tent menus, ketchup bottles & a candle.



#Bowtie365 - #Day46

Third game of Kestrels FC soccer! Lost 3-7 but love the team and love how much better we're getting. #Bowtie from candles and Jameson on the rocks! Also diet pills and Trident gum (we used them to discuss players/strategy).



#Bowtie365 - #Day43

Finishing up a corporate rental at MoMA. #Bowtie made from white super parrot tulips and candles AKA the centerpieces. Want to book an event at MoMA? Here's the info!
