Entries in subway (3)


#Bowtie365 - #Day316

En route to soccer outside in the freezing cold (whhhhhyyyyy!). Thankfully, this game is in Chelsea so it's less of a hike to the field.

Negative space #bowtie between two subway cars, while stopped of course. Safety first!



#Bowtie365 - #Day222

Heading to game night with Jonathan & Rick (& new friends)! Waiting for the E train at Jackson Heights to head to Chelsea with Casey.

#Bowtie on the station's MTA subway map.

UPDATE: We played a board game called The Resistance - highly recommended if you have a good group of friends. It gets very vocal / fun.



#Bowtie365 - #Day176

FoHi is under construction to make way for the glory days ahead. 71st/Continental station is a prime example.

#Bowtie from caution/construction signs underground in the subway.

Anyone excited for Mumford and Sons to come to Forest Hills and play at the West Side Tennis Club? I am!
