
#Bowtie365 - #Day246

Had an absolutely wonderful time with Dockers at their Alpha Collection launch tonight. Really great stuff (and their new camou pants were spicy hot).

#Bowtie after we left from a girl gang necklace worn by Kate Nash between her bow-shaped glam lapels at Schillers. She's an icon, take note ladies. You can be fab and classy.



#Bowtie365 - #Day245

Quite sad to leave the family behind in Philadelphia today to return to work tomorrow. However, this two week staycation has been extraordinary!

#Bowtie on the Bolt Bus while playing Tetris. Time to sleep and dream of an easy day back...



#Bowtie365 - #Day244

#Day2 in Philadelphia and having a blast with the girls. My nieces need to be studied by actors because they have some of the craziest personalities you will ever meet. Had a great brunch at Sabrina's Cafe and play date at the Schuylkill River Park.

#Bowtie from a hodgepodge of fun shapes (constructed from Wikki Stix) the girls made before their baths (mostly rings & hearts).



#Bowtie365 - #Day243

Have had a ball today with my nieces Lila and Stella (& their parents!) in Philadelphia. We went straight to South Street so the girls could see the Magic Garden, Peter (my brother) could get a cheesesteak at Jim's, and I could get a pizza from Lorenzo & Sons.

#Bowtie during some last minute coloring before bed from traced hands and a rubber band bracelet that Stella gave me, then took back. Typical.



#Bowtie365 - #Day242

Poor Casey threw his back out again playing soccer. Spent the whole day waiting on him since he can't move without screaming.

Luckily, I was able to drag his butt two blocks away (took 30 minutes to walk) to see a doctor. #Bowtie from the pain meds sprawled out on my dining table.



#Bowtie365 - #Day241

Having a grand 'ol time every Thursday with The Benders even though I sat the summer season out. Love that the team found a post-game home at Galway Hooker in the West Village because of Mr. Schuckies.

#Bowtie outside the bar from an amazing tree defect (hollow?) and two discarded cardboard boxes.



#Bowtie365 - #Day240

Had an amazing time volunteering for debra of America at their Inaugural Mats Wilander Tennis Pro-Am at the West Side Tennis Club in Forest Hills this morning.

#Bowtie from my old tennis balls and can (they had fancy white ones). Please go to debra.org to see what they do (& how you can help!).



#Bowtie365 - #Day239

I'm going nuts with this stock pile of vacation that I had to use up. Today I spent almost two hours in a Michaels (HAD TO LEAVE. THE PEOPLE! EEEK.) but ended up with a ton of stuff to occupy my life.

#Bowtie out of melted perler beads (& it's 100% wearable, get ready folks).



#Bowtie365 - #Day238

Laundry explosion! Definitely devoting tomorrow to the laundry room... And maybe crafting.

#Bowtie from random dirty clothes and towels bursting from my hamper.



#Bowtie365 - #Day237

Post-VMA late night snack (& also bored / no work this week / WOO STAYCATION CONTINUES!).

#Bowtie from some fried plaintains that I needed to use up. Probably wont mix well with the sushi I had delivered. Come over if you're hungry!
