Entries in bowtie365 (363)


#Bowtie365 - #Day244

#Day2 in Philadelphia and having a blast with the girls. My nieces need to be studied by actors because they have some of the craziest personalities you will ever meet. Had a great brunch at Sabrina's Cafe and play date at the Schuylkill River Park.

#Bowtie from a hodgepodge of fun shapes (constructed from Wikki Stix) the girls made before their baths (mostly rings & hearts).



#Bowtie365 - #Day243

Have had a ball today with my nieces Lila and Stella (& their parents!) in Philadelphia. We went straight to South Street so the girls could see the Magic Garden, Peter (my brother) could get a cheesesteak at Jim's, and I could get a pizza from Lorenzo & Sons.

#Bowtie during some last minute coloring before bed from traced hands and a rubber band bracelet that Stella gave me, then took back. Typical.



#Bowtie365 - #Day242

Poor Casey threw his back out again playing soccer. Spent the whole day waiting on him since he can't move without screaming.

Luckily, I was able to drag his butt two blocks away (took 30 minutes to walk) to see a doctor. #Bowtie from the pain meds sprawled out on my dining table.



#Bowtie365 - #Day241

Having a grand 'ol time every Thursday with The Benders even though I sat the summer season out. Love that the team found a post-game home at Galway Hooker in the West Village because of Mr. Schuckies.

#Bowtie outside the bar from an amazing tree defect (hollow?) and two discarded cardboard boxes.



#Bowtie365 - #Day240

Had an amazing time volunteering for debra of America at their Inaugural Mats Wilander Tennis Pro-Am at the West Side Tennis Club in Forest Hills this morning.

#Bowtie from my old tennis balls and can (they had fancy white ones). Please go to debra.org to see what they do (& how you can help!).



#Bowtie365 - #Day239

I'm going nuts with this stock pile of vacation that I had to use up. Today I spent almost two hours in a Michaels (HAD TO LEAVE. THE PEOPLE! EEEK.) but ended up with a ton of stuff to occupy my life.

#Bowtie out of melted perler beads (& it's 100% wearable, get ready folks).



#Bowtie365 - #Day238

Laundry explosion! Definitely devoting tomorrow to the laundry room... And maybe crafting.

#Bowtie from random dirty clothes and towels bursting from my hamper.



#Bowtie365 - #Day237

Post-VMA late night snack (& also bored / no work this week / WOO STAYCATION CONTINUES!).

#Bowtie from some fried plaintains that I needed to use up. Probably wont mix well with the sushi I had delivered. Come over if you're hungry!



#Bowtie365 - #Day236

Heading back to NYC early on MetroNorth. Hoping to check out the big sale at Blick this weekend and spend this full week of vacation painting and creatively solving my life's frustrations.

#Bowtie from the bungee cords on my backpack on my lap (crowded train).



#Bowtie365 - #Day235

Hanging out in Stamford after a night of beer gardens and bro-bonding with Casey and Rob.

Southwestern #bowtie from two illuminated tequila bottles and a donkey jawbone.
