Entries in bowtie365 (363)


#Bowtie365 - #Day163

The Human Rights Campaign has again asked for America to "go red" in support of Marriage Equality. Being a lover of both bowties & the LGBT community, I thought I'd combine them both to show my support for the repeal of DOMA & Prop 8 by the United States Supreme Court.

Today's #bowtie gets doubled from upcycled event invitations from the past on a red file folder.

Have some extra change? Donate to the HRC here. Do what I do and sign up for monthly gifts billed directly to your credit card (and skip a Starbucks or two).



#Bowtie365 - #Day162

Today we ventured across the Horace Harding Expressway to hit up 7/11 & rent Wreck it Ralph from Redbox.

#Bowtie from our used Slurpee straws woven in the chain-link fence overlooking the I-495 traffic.



#Bowtie365 - #Day161

Game night party in FoHi. #Bowtie from a mini Lite Brite I found in my board game closet (I think it belongs to my niece Lila).



#Bowtie365 - #Day160

Just had a glorious Sunday Funday adventure with Casey & Leila. Started off with an amazing brunch at Tower Diner then walked about 10 miles through the FoHi Festival of the Arts down to Flushing Meadow and up around Queens Museum through Corona, Queens.

#Bowtie from rope on top of a Chinese dragon boat taken from a row boat on Meadow Lake.



#Bowtie365 - #Day159

Leila is in town! HIYO! Checking out Corona at Tortilleria Nixtamal for amazingly delicious Mexican food. However, I must say that Taqueria Coatzingo in Jackson Heights wins for best Mexican and is far more affordable.

#Bowtie from vegetarian enchiladas and sides of rice and beans.



#Bowtie365 - #Day158

The weather in NYC is exactly how I feel on the inside after a devastating loss for The Benders. Tropical Storm Andrea is a girl that knows how to drive the nail into the coffin.

#Bowtie from Casey's destroyed umbrella, a victim of the storm.



#Bowtie365 - #Day157

Tonight MoMA will again host the annual AICP mega-event (official name escapes me, unofficially it's the "Producer's Prom"). Currently overseeing the event set-up in our Education building and having a blast in the MoMA Art Lab: People (an interactive space where you can explore, play, and create art as you discover people in art).

#Bowtie from the word PEOPLE rearranged using magnetic letters. Come visit the lab next time you're here!



#Bowtie365 - #Day156

Having a post-Le Corbusier exhibition opening night cap at Benoit in Midtown. #Bowtie from two glasses of Sancerre and a business card holder / wine bottle chiller inside the restaurant.



#Bowtie365 - #Day155

MoMA's Special Events team put together another knock-out event for our Trustees with minimal budget. We're legit.

#Bowtie from Museum stanchion cords tied, twirled & knotted inside of Rain Room by rAndom International. Two of the artists from Expo 1 are in the shot too!



#Bowtie365 - #Day154

It's an over-the-hill / MoMA / Happy Birthday extravaganza next to my desk for my boss lady's 40th birthday.

#Bowtie from a colorful array of helium balloons (2.0! Still love you #Day69). Happy Birthday Maggie!
