Entries in bowtie365 (363)


#Bowtie365 - #Day173

Baking up a storm for Kathy's gun club meet-and-greet (& shoot) outing tomorrow. Figured I'd go with an All-American chocolate chip cookie since it's a crowd pleaser.

#Bowtie from butter sticks in honor of Paula Deen (AKA the Butter Queen) and her recent resurgence in the news.

She's was just havin fun ya'll!



#Bowtie365 - #Day172

Thank you to JetBlue for letting me know it was National Paper Airplane Day! Clearly I'm a fan of ridiculous holidays.

#Bowtie at The Perfect Pint next to Grand Central Station from paper airplanes colliding into each other (everyone onboard was safe).

Now to catch our MetroNorth train to New Canaan!



#Bowtie365 - #Day171

Just found my Pokémon cards! EEK! This was my my everything back in the late 90's. Why I brought them to NYC.....

#Bowtie from holographic cards on my floor.

P.S. I got that Charizard on my birthday. It made my life.



#Bowtie365 - #Day170

Happy Eat an Oreo Day! There really is a holiday for absolutely everything.

#Bowtie from an Oreo army of cookie halves and cream filling. Apologies to my coworkers for not being to eat the art.



#Bowtie365 - #Day169

The benefit for PS1 is done! And with that, all Museum benefits for this fiscal year are OVER!

#Bowtie on the A/V soundboard from illuminated pushed buttons.



#Bowtie365 - #Day168

I FOUND PLAY-DOH! The gifts left by my niece three years ago just don't stop. However, one could argue my supreme organizing skills saved the day because I found the box that contained all the toys that await her next visit (they were everywhere when she left).

#Bowtie from neon colors of America's favorite non-toxic modeling compound.



#Bowtie365 - #Day167

Last night in New Canaan after a long day of yard work. SO excited to post photos of the Went for an evening stroll with Leila & Casey and had a serious Burt Lancaster The Swimmer moment in his neighbor's unfinished pool (the whole house is still under construction & vacant).

#Bowtie from a gardening hose and pump. Promise we left it the way we found it!



#Bowtie365 - #Day166

Another game night with some of my favorite people (cc: Leila, Casey, Rob & Kathy) while we celebrate Kathy's birthday! #Bowtie from Apples to Apples cards before the cake! (Fudgie the Whale - shh it's a surprise).



#Bowtie365 - #Day165

Eureka! My pumpkins and sunflower seeds have started to sprout! I'm so pumped to have my very own pumpkin patch at Casey's mom's house in New Canaan.

#Bowtie from seed starters of New England Pumpkin Pie pumpkins, Moonshine (white) pumpkins, Jack o'Lantern (Charisma) pumpkins and sunflowers (to attract the bugs that attack pumpkin vines).

This Fall is going to be may-jor! Haha



#Bowtie365 - #Day164

The roses that Casey surprised me with are finally dead (sad). Tore apart the rose petals for today's American Beauty-esque #bowtie.

Now off to a night of drinking in my living room while playing heads up with Leila and Casey!
