Welcome back to #BowTieMonday on the newly re-designed Today I delve into the archives to bring you an article of historical significance pertaining to our dear pal, the bow tie.
Date: Sunday, January 6, 1963. Scene: the people of Missouri are waking up after a night of tragedy. In New York City, both Camelot and Carnival! close after 873 and 719 performances, respectively. San Diego annihilates Boston 51-10 in the AFL championship game. American baseball sweetheart, Roger Hornsby, passes from heart conditions at 66. Men and women are opening their Sunday morning papers thirsty for any drop of comedic relief or uplifting report. However, the headlines Few Congressman Are Bow Tie Fans as well as Chin Whiskers, Bow Tie On Wane in Congress blind like a solar eclipse party sans cheap cardboard glasses.
A double KO, hairless faces, and vertical neckwear had invaded and won the America we once loved. The pocket directory for the 88th Congress revealed a single bow tie was worn during Congressional picture day, and the man sporting it was a cartoon. And a Republican. Woof!
It's safe to say bow ties are beginning a steady march back into the spotlight. Props to the St. Joseph Gazette and Jefferson City’s News and Tribune - these articles are a fun read.
[image: St. Joseph Gazette]
[image: News and Tribune]