Entries in New England Patriots (1)



[Image: NYDailyNews.com]

Bars around the country on Sunday were buzzing with excitement (& disdain) as the New England Patriots defeated the Baltimore Ravens to become the AFC Champions and the New York Giants, in an overtime show down with the San Francisco 49ers, became the NFC Champs. For the football illiterate folk, that means the Giants will take on the Patriots in Superbowl XLVI in Indianapolis on February 5, 2012.

The next two weeks will undoubtedly be full of fan rivalry, lucky charm polishing, and ridiculous news cast experiments to predict the winner. Quarterbacks can make or break a team and I am a firm believer that their off-the-field style heavily influences their game play. I'll make this easy: below is a photo of Tom Brady (Patriots) and Eli Manning (Giants) both sporting a solid black bow tie. For the title of Superbowl XLVI Best Bow Tie Sporter (& most likely game winner) - Who wore it best?

Tweet me @BowTieBoy and let me know what you think.


Tom Brady, Costume Institute Gala 2010 Eli Manning, Barnstable & Brown Gala 2009