
#Bowtie365 - #day6

Currently at a @WilliamsSonoma to do an exchange and found a beautiful jigger to replace my broken (but awesome) #CookieMonster spatula. Then coupled it with a sleek napkin ring and wa-lah!



#Bowtie365 - #day5

Getting ready to head out into the freezing cold. Clearly the best way to get through the night is by remembering to grab a scarf (& remembering to turn it into a #bowtie!).



#bowtie365 - #day4

Inspiration while cooking for today's eggplant #bowtie. Currently in my kitchen making some eggplant parmesan for dinner. Tasty.



#bowtie365 - #Day3

Currently having dinner with my friends Deon and Christina at Tartine in #NYC. Bowtie is made from a dinner napkin, pepper grinder and cheap silverware.



#Bowtie365 - #Day2

Today's shot was made from leftover MoMA/MoMA PS1 2012 admission passes that I found while cleaning n' freshening up my desk for the new year.



#bowtie365 - #Day1

Happy New Year! I hope you all rang in 2013 safely with very positive outlooks for the new year. Today, I am launching a year-long project (#bowtie365) to turn the things around me into #bowtie-inspired Instagram photos each day during 2013. Check back daily, leave feedback, send me photos of your bow ties, and get ready for tons of #bowtielove!

BTW: Today's #bowtie365 shot was made from leftover Christmas tree needles that fell to the floor while packing up my ornaments and getting my practically dead tree out to the curb. Currently eating spaghetti with veggie meatballs and enjoying some wine before work at MoMA in the morning. 




It's been a rather crazy n' hectic week so I'm keeping Friday fun with a hide n' seek! There are 10 differences between the two pictures below of absolutely spectacular Laurent Desgrange bowties. Think you can find them all? Happy hunting! [p.s. if you're really into this and rather do it on paper, you can print it out here]



How'd you do Sherlock? You can check your answers here.

Major #bowtielove to Mashable for featuring me in their 10 Classic Gadgets Upcycled Into Fashion Accessories story - check it out here.

PS: Only 7 days to go!  {Every $1 helps}





Image Credit:

Fresh off the presses (not really, it's been a week) Budweiser has purchased two-year naming rights to the 12,000 square foot entertainment area at Rangers Stadium in Arlington - home to the Texas Rangers. The official title of the space is the "Budweiser Bowtie at Vandergriff Plaza." A stadium after my own heart!

This news comes off the heels of an announcement in January that Budweiser was renewing a multi-year sponsorship with the Pittsburg Pirates and would unveil the spectacularly named "Budweiser Bowtie Bar" at PNC Park (named "Best Ballpark in America") on Opening Day (which was yesterday). Some features of this new bar include:

1) An expansive “U” shaped bar which will become a focal point in the right field corner

2) Ability to purchase select food items from within the Bowtie Bar footprint

3) An open floor plan overlooking right field, as well as the Allegheny River and Downtown Pittsburgh cityscape

4) Seven flat screen HD televisions to ensure fans don’t miss any of the game action

5) Expanded cover patio space with rear glass wall to protect fans from weather

6) Option to rent a portion of the space to host a private group outing of 50 or more people with hospitality included on game days and non-game days

Image Credit: Pittsburg Post-Gazette

Basically, Budweiser is spreading the #bowtielove all accross the ballparks of America and this @bowtieboy could not be happier.

BIG shout outs to ESPN and the MLB for the info!

PS: I'm dj-ing tonight at Gumbo in Brooklyn! Details here.

PPS: Only 14 days to go!  {Every $1 helps}




I'm currently on my way to Boston so I must keep this post short.

Watch this: Carly Rae Jepsen "Call Me Maybe"

Love this: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Need this: Drake's Paisley-Print Silk Bow Tie

Support this: My Kickstarter!

PS: Only 21 days to go!  {Every $1 helps}




With everyone so focused on The Hunger Games [star, Josh Hutcherson is a bow tie fan] & b-ball brackets [as art], it’s nice to get lost in old news and unearth some hidden gems.  In the past I’ve covered dwindling #bowtielove in Congress and some impressive gifts for your menfolk on those busy indoor days.

Today’s #BowTieFriday is an investigative piece into the ad below for Banjo Billy’s Fun Boat (1961 to 1970). Take a look before I begin:

Image Credit: The Miami News. March 2, 1964.A Google search for 'Banjo Billy' or 'Banjo Billy's Fun Boat' will bring up a few forum threads of people looking to connect with others that watched or were on the show.  This was clearly not enough for one [slighty crazy] gentleman, the self-titled Stan the Man.  Stan hunted down Banjo Billy (alive and well in Melbourne, FL) and pulled together the following "interview."  I use that word quite loosely.

Are you obsessed with Billy? I almost want to start a petition to get this man back in the spotlight, Betty White-style.

Now to bring this whole story to the present day, and a bit of a somber note, occassional show guest and host of Jumpin’ Jack’s Four O’ Clock Club Jack O'Brien passed away Monday, March 19, at the ripe age of 84. Look at this guy's bow tie #swoon.

Image Credit: Miami Herald March 2012.Jumpin' Jack - whereever you are, I know there is a big bow tie in the sky looking down on us with a smile.  Now let's all get Banjo Billy back on TV!

PS: Only 28 days to go!  {Every $1 helps}

PPS: I'm lounge DJ-ing ¡WHATEVER! tonight at Deity! 10p - 4a! 368 Atlantic Ave! $10! Free Chambord Vodka 10p - 11p!

PPPS: I could never resist a coloring contest.... hope I win!



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